Lorien, powered by Impellam Group, was recently awarded ‘The Amdaris Long-Term Partnership Award (Enterprise)’ in the TALiNT International Annual Recognition Awards, for their important, on-going partnership with KPMG.

The Amdaris Long-Term Partnership Award looks for evidence of genuine partnership over at least five years, with a focus on sustained success and continuous improvement.

The judges commenting on Lorien’s win said:

“Lorien showed a strong focus on delivery, but also on diversity. The judges loved the focus on upskilling, development and knowledge sharing. Lorien has delivered value across so many key areas for their client and demonstrates strong, outside of the box thinking to diversify hiring pipelines”.

Lorien Managing Director, David Gettins commented on the win:

“It’s always a delight to have Lorien’s leading solutions and talents recognised within the industry, especially when they are the result of on our trusted client relationships. We always place people at the heart of our work and our resourcers work tireless to find good work for good people, whilst maintaining a solid focus on client needs. Our people really do make the difference – and it shows when we win awards like this!”.

The TIARAs (TALiNT International Annual Recognition Awards) reward success and innovation in the talent solutions sector, with Lorien previously having won several awards, including Best Talent Solutions Firm to Work For at the 2022 TIARA Talent Solutions Awards. Other prestigious award wins for Lorien include RPO of the Year at the 2023 APSCo Outsource Awards for Excellence, alongside a shortlisting for Employer of the Year: Gold 250+ at the Investors in People Awards 2023.

Looking for new opportunities and want to join the industry’s best? Check our internal recruitment pages to learn more about Lorien, and where you can fit in!