Q&A with Anna Leszczynski, Technical Recruiter

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Q&A with Anna Leszczynski, Technical Recruiter
Bryony Kelly

Q&A with Anna Leszczynski, Technical Recruiter

Q&A with Anna Leszczynski, Technical Recruiter

With plans to double our US workforce over the next two years, we’re talking to some of our current employees to find out what working at Lorien is like behind the scenes, and why you should join our journey. Reach out to us for more information on our current vacancies!

How did your recruitment journey start? 

I started out as a Technical Recruiter in 2018, having just graduated from Illinois State University with a degree in Sociology/Psychology. My background meant that choosing a career path where I could help people was really important for me, and I found the idea of helping people find work and lead better lives fulfilling. I made my first hire after just two months of starting. With this being my first corporate job out of college, I can truly say I lucked out. I really value the leadership and training tools that have guided me through my journey to become a successful and confident recruiter.

What do you enjoy most about working at Lorien? 

Without question, the people. I am thankful each and every day that I get to work with people who I can call my friends and not just co-workers. People that I trust, people that inspire me, people that make me laugh on the rough days, people that recognize our value, and people that push me to my fullest potential. You don’t find that in every company, and I cherish the lasting bonds that have developed over the years. 

What have been your proudest achievements at Lorien so far? 

First and foremost, finding people work and helping the business grow! When I say it’s incredibly fulfilling, I mean I literally have had people tell me they can put food on the table for their families. But more specifically, placing the most starts for the SAG team in Q1 for two years straight has been a nice accomplishment. I am also proud to say that I am on track to hit $10K in weekly GP for 2021 – a goal I had strived for all year, during an economic crisis and a global pandemic, all while working out of the office. 

What does a ‘day in the life’ look like for you? 

I wake up in the morning with a fresh cup of matcha super green tea and join in the stand-up meetings. Then I’ll review LinkedIn for insight and leads, respond to emails, and post new roles. Next up is sourcing candidates, screening and prepping applicants and putting together candidate summaries that put the candidate in the best place for the role. The other side of my role is developing rapport with my network, keeping in touch with account managers, candidates and contractors and making sure everyone is getting what they need. After that, it’s rinse and repeat!

How would you describe the culture at Lorien? 

It’s my favorite thing about working here! Not only does Lorien support a flexible working culture, but it also harbors a community of smart professionals learning and growing through an everchanging and progressive workforce. We like to work hard AND still have fun while doing it! Our leadership team is incredible, fostering motivation, positivity, equality, and opportunity to advance every day. It really makes you feel like you’re a part of a family, and I think that is more influential for your job satisfaction than anything else. 

What are your top tips for career success in recruitment? 

In recruitment you deal with emotions and people, that is your product – don’t let the emotions get the best of you. Patience is a virtue, take deep breaths and trust the process. Pick up that phone and make those calls, the success will follow. 

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